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The Loch Raven Improvement Association, Inc. is a proud member of the following umbrella organizations:
The Northeast Community Organization is an umbrella community organization established in 1970 to help maintain the stability of the neighborhoods bounded by the Baltimore City line on the north, Greenmount Avenue and York Road on the west, 33rd Street on the south, and Hillen Road to Perring Parkway on the east. In the early l970s, NECO used confrontation methods against realtors attempting racial "blockbusting" practices. These battles helped forge the Northeast Real Estate Conservation Program, which preserved the integrated nature of community neighborhoods.
The foundation of NECO is:
(1) to unite the neighborhood associations, community organizations, and institutions within the designated boundaries;
(2) to articulate the needs and concerns of the NECO area regarding community development and economic, commercial, educational, recreational and environmental issues to City and State governments;
(3) to provide a forum to educate NECO members and the means for public discourse and education;
(4) to support, assist, and serve as a resource to member organizations.
Voting members consist of member neighborhood associations, community organizations, and institutions within the NECO area boundaries. These include:
Architect's Row Community Association
Beauregard Neighborhood Association
Belvedere Improvement Association
Cameron Village Association, Inc.
Chinquapin Park Improvement Association
Ednor Gardens-Lakeside Civic Association
Evesham Park Neighborhood Association
Glen Oaks Improvement Association
Good Samaritan Hospital
Hillen Road Improvement Association
Idlewood Community Association
Kenilworth Park Neighborhood, Inc.
Kimberleigh Road Neighborhood Association
Lake Walker Association
Loch Raven Improvement Association
Lochwood Apartments
Mid-Govans Community Association
Morgan State University
New Northwood Community Association,Inc.
Original Northwood Association
Pen Lucy Neighborhood Association, Inc.
Perring Loch Community Association
Perring Loch Covenant Association
Ramblewood Community Association
Richnor Springs Neighborhood Association
Stonewood-Pentwood-Winston Neighborhood
Wilson Park Improvement Association
Wilson Park/Northern Neighborhoods Association
The Northeast Development Alliance, Inc., (NEDA) is a community development corporation conceived by the residents of the Northeast Community Organization (NECO), a 50-year-old umbrella organization that represents 30 neighborhood associations in central northeast Baltimore City. In partnership with the MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital, Morgan State University and NECO, the NorthEast Development Alliance was founded and incorporated in 2002. NEDA, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, is a community-driven development corporation whose primary mission is to improve the physical and economic infrastructure of its community, enhance the residential marketability of its neighborhoods and strengthen the civic fabric among its residents.
The NEDA service area is bounded by the City line, 33rd Street, York Road and Hillen Road to Perring Parkway. Within this geographical quadrant, NEDA functions to promote home ownership and the community's affordable housing market, revitalize its neighborhood shopping areas, promote its community facilities, and preserve its parks, open spaces and recreational amenities. To do this, NEDA collaborates with its member organizations and forges partnerships with other development entities.
These alliances assist NEDA with projects and activities designed to improve the quality of life throughout its service area, neighborhood by neighborhood.
NEDA is represented by a 15-member Board of Directors composed of neighborhood residents, development, business and real estate professionals. The operation of the corporation is managed by an Executive Director.
In May 2001, the Northeast Community Organization, working in concert with the MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital and Morgan State University sponsored the Northeast Community Summit, an event that attracted more than 200 participants from various communities throughout northeast Baltimore. This event was designed to address conditions and trends that were beginning to affect the stability and vitality of the area. The event resulted in the development of an ambitious work plan that included the formation of a community development corporation.
Since its inception, NEDA has partnered with St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center, Inc., in an intervention acquisition project of HUD foreclosed houses. This initiative resulted in the rehabilitation and sale of over 50 area homes to first-time buyers. Together, NEDA, MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital, and Morgan State University sponsored two Fannie Mae neighborhood Open House Tours.
To augment its community marketing campaign, NEDA conducted a community-wide storytelling project and published the collected stories in a booklet, The Acts of Neighborliness Stories. This project was designed to welcome, as well as attract new residents to the area. It was supported by the Baltimore Community Foundation. NEDA's partnership with St. Ambrose also helped provide housing counseling services and several foreclosure education workshops. NEDA partners with Neighborhood Housing Services to stabilize housing conditions in the Mid-Govans neighborhood with an acquisition and rehabilitation plan designed to assist elderly homeowners stay in their homes and assist new buyers attracted to the neighborhood. NEDA supported the Northwood Plaza community design workshop and revitalization project and is directing the "Planning to Exceed" community-wide planning process with Morgan State University under a Department of Housing and Urban Development Historically Black Colleges and Universities Grant.
NEDA is the vehicle through which NECO, MedStar Good Samaritan, and Morgan State work to create stronger, synergistic and future-oriented neighborhoods within Northeast Baltimore City. The central premise underlying NEDA is that its community development initiatives and projects will always strive to reflect shared values and sound principles of urban neighborhood regeneration for the benefit of its residents, businesses, neighborhoods and area partners.
Loch Raven Improvement Association, Inc.
P. O. Box 66226, Baltimore, MD 21239