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The 21239 zip code includes the neighborhoods of Idlewood, Ramblewood, Loch Raven, and part of Baltimore County. Median sales price increase: 33 percent "Families are choosing these areas due to desirable amenities, like recreation and walkable main streets, as well as high performing elementary schools...". Courtesy: The Baltimore Sun
The Baltimore City 311 One-Call Center system is designed for easy use by Baltimore City residents to report many common issues. From sanitation and illegal dumping issues to derelict housing conditions, to parking violations, to animal control, to lighting outages and tree issues... all services are available by simply dialing 311 or utilizing the Baltimore City 311 online system.
Getting involved in the community is a great way to earning community service hours for school or employment. Our opportunities include co-hosting a neighborhood event, acting as a meeting coordinator, joining a committee, or simply distributing door hangers to our neighbors.
Contact us by Clicking Here
Baltimore City's personal Crime Watch number is a confidential, unique, seven digit number issued to you by the police department. It allows you to anonymously report crimes in progress and suspicious activity. If you use the number when you call 911, the operator will not ask for your information and the responding officers will not contact you to follow up.
The CitiWatch Community Partnership is a voluntary registry of private surveillance systems that will enhance public safety response with video evidence when a crime or quality of life disruption occurs. Homeowners, renters, and small business owners are eligible (and encouraged) to participate.
All homes that face an alleyway, or rear public right-of-way, are required to have a clearly visible address marker, in order that each residence can be readily identified either for code compliance or for emergency response.
Trash cans, and recycling containers, may be placed out for collection no earlier than 6pm on the day prior to scheduled pickup and cannot remain at the collection site after 6am of the following morning. These guidelines are established by Baltimore City Code and are enforceable by citation.
Chances are you already know that unreasonably loud, blaring music is disrespectful to your neighbors. But it is also considered a disturbance of the peace. LRIA residents are all entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of their homes... so please be neighborly and mindful of others. While reporting a noise violation to 911 is always an option, simply turning the volume down is the most cordial course of common courtesy.
Loch Raven Improvement Association, Inc.
P. O. Box 66226, Baltimore, MD 21239